Eighteenth lesson
Personal nouns and fishing in Norwar

The eighteenth norwegianABC lesson has started. How is the weather? Today in our lesson - the object form of personal pronouns – personlige pronomen, objektsform. "Fakta om Norge". Practical information about fishing in Norway. Let’s start, la oss begynne!
Lesson video
# | Word | Translation | |
1 | oss | to us, us | |
2 | flertall | the plural form | |
3 | han | he | |
4 | dere | you | |
5 | på tide | time, it is time | |
6 | å ta eksamen | to take an examination | |
7 | å være ferdig med noe | to finish something | |
8 | reise til | to travel to | |
9 | lyst til å | to want to do something | |
10 | meg | me | |
11 | ham | him | |
12 | henne | her | |
13 | dem | them | |
14 | fiskekort | a fisherman’s card | |
15 | en laks | a salmon | |
16 | en ål | an eel | |
17 | røkt ål | smoked eel | |
18 | en torsk | a cod | |
19 | en makrell | a mackerel | |
20 | en strømming | a Baltic herring | |
21 | en kveite | a halibut | |
22 | en hellefisk | a halibut | |
23 | ei en gjedde | a pike | |
24 | en lake | a burbot | |
25 | breiflabb | angler | |
26 | marulk | angler | |
27 | sjødjevel | angler | |
28 | ei en fiskestang | a fishing rod | |
29 | mange fiskestenger | many fishing rods | |
30 | en krok | a fishhook, a hook | |
31 | broren min | my brother | |
32 | broren din | your brother | |
33 | broren sin | own brother | |
34 | broren vår | our brother | |
35 | boka mi | my book | |
36 | boka di | your book | |
37 | boka si | own book | |
38 | boka vår | our book | |
39 | barnet mitt | my child | |
40 | barnet ditt | your child | |
41 | barnet sitt | own child | |
42 | barnet vårt | our child | |
43 | brødrene mine | my brothers | |
44 | brødrene dine | your brothers | |
45 | brødrene sine | own brothers | |
46 | brødrene våre | our brothers | |
47 | et klistremerke | a sticker | |
48 | et flagg | a flag |
Hello, students! How are you? Please answer in Norwegian. The eighteenth norwegianABC lesson has started. How is the weather? What have you done today? Great! And now you have decided to give some time to Norwegian, very good!
- - Jeg vil også hilse på dere! Hei alle sammen. Vi sier hei fra et hyggelig hotell i Hurgada.
Yes, we are already in the hotel reception and waiting for our luggage to be taken to the rooms. Then we will go and meet Lisa. She will surely be very surprised and happy to see us.
Enough daydreaming, the students are waiting for en lytteøvelse – a listening exercise, aren’t they? OK, lytt og gjenta – listen and repeat. In this exercise, the main focus will be on the intonation and melody of the sentence – tonefall.
- på tide
- time, it is time
- Det er på tide
- it is time
- I slutten av juni
- at the end of June
- Han skal ta eksamen i slutten av juni.
- He will take an examination at the end of June.
- å ta eksamen
- to take an examination
- Ferdig med. å være ferdig med noe
- to finish something
- Lise er ferdig med norskkurset.
- Lisa has finished the Norwegian language course.
- reise til
- to travel to
- Å reise til Norge
- to travel to Norway
- lyst til å
- to want to do something
- Lise har lyst til å møte Jan.
- Lisa wants to meet Jan.
The next listening exercise will make you strain your ears: what vowel do you hear – å, e or ø? Do you think it will be difficult? Let’s relax and we’ll do it! If you do not feel sure, before hearing the correct answer, rewind the record as many times as you need to be sure with your answer. Agreed? Let’s start, la oss begynne:
Hører du å, e eller ø?
In the next word, let’s pay attention at the pronunciation of the consonant l: the tongue is pressed against the palate a little higher, the pronunciation is softer. Let’s listen. What vowel do we hear?
The receptionist has told me that the rooms are ready and the luggage has been taken to the rooms.
- - Jan, let’s go, I want to rest after such a tense trip. Can you help me to carry my handbag?
- - Ja, Ema, jeg kan hjelpe deg, gjerne det. – Yes, Ema, I will be glad to help you.
- Kan du hjelpe meg?
- Can you help me?
You have probably noticed that we are using a word that we do not know well yet – meg – me. It is the object form of personal pronouns – personlige pronomen, objektsform.
We say: me, you, her, us, etc. Let’s hear how it sounds in Norwegian, listen and learn:
Singular, entall.
1st person:
Lise hjelper
meg. – Lisa is helping me.
2nd person:
Lise hjelper
deg. – Lisa is helping you.
3rd person:
Lise hjelper
han. – Lisa is helping him.
Lise hjelper
henne. – Lisa is helping her.
Plural, flertall.
1st person:
Lise hjelper
oss. – Lisa is helping us.
2nd person:
Lise hjelper
dere. – Lisa is helping you.
3rd person:
Lise hjelper
dem. – Lisa is helping them.
Now, let’s practice. Translate into Norwegian:
Jan is giving me an apple. - Jan gir meg et eple.
Good job! Easy, right? How will you do with this sentence?
Ema is giving us a book. - Ema gir oss ei bok.
Elias is helping you. - Elias hjelper deg.
Karianne is helping him today. - Karianne hjelper ham i dag.
Instead of "ham" we can use "han": Karianne hjelper han i dag.
Kenneth is giving her flowers. - Kenneth gir henne blomster.
Lisa is sending you a letter. - Lise sender dere et brev.
Was it difficult? I don’t think so. Let’s relax. "Fakta om Norge". Practical information about fishing in Norway. I bet the men have turned up the sound. Many men and, no secret, some women interested in this type of leisure, are dreaming of casting a rod at some fiord or open sea. The people fishing in Norway often catch the fish of their lives – a large salmon, not to speak of gigantic cod and halibut. Do you know if it is legal to fish everywhere in this country or if this entertainment is paid?
Fishing in sea water (salt water) is free. Fishing in fresh water cost money. Fishing in rivers and lakes depends on their owners and you can only fish there with their permission, for example, having purchased a fisherman’s card called fiskekort.
The fisherman’s card may be purchased close to the fishing place at the owner’s, sports organisations, tourist agencies, campsites, etc.
In North Norway fishing is successful all year round, because the warm Gulf stream does not allow the fiords to freeze. Returning without fish is impossible here, unless you are not using a fishhook. In Norway, your success is measured not in the number of fish, but in their size. If you use the services of a special guide, you may catch fish of unbelievable size weighing more than dozens of kilograms. It is important to know that the laws of Norway forbid releasing small fish back into the sea. Moreover, you can only take 15 kg of fish fillet + one fish of your life from the country.
Speaking of fish, let’s learn some of their names:
- A salmon
- en laks
- An eel
- en ål
It would be a sin not to learn the Norwegian for a delicacy – smoked eel – røkt ål.
- A cod
- en torsk
- A mackerel
- en makrell
- A Baltic herring
- en strømming
A halibut. At West and North Norway coasts, this delicious and large deep waters fish is called:
en kveite.
In the South and East it is –
en hellefisk.
- A pike
- ei en gjedde
- A burbot
- en lake
In Norwegian restaurants, one of the tourists’ favourite exotic dishes is angler. This interesting looking and in my opinion delicious fish is called breiflabb, marulk or simply sjødjevel.
We will learn the names of fish, but we must also know the names of fishing tackle, right? A fishing rod. Attention, the plural is irregular so I will also say it:
- ei en fiskestang
- a fishing rod
- mange fiskestenger
- many fishing rods
- en krok
- a fishhook, a hook
And now, a very important sentence. I am sure you will learn it quickly and use it at the first possible occasion: I hooked a big fish. In this sentence we will use the past tense of the verb. We will soon speak of it in our lessons.
En stor fisk bet på kroken. - I hooked a big fish.
We were daydreaming about big fish caught in deep fiords and have probably forgotten what this eighteenth lesson was about :) Right, we are talking about the object form of personal pronouns. I will give you more examples of its use.
Entall – plural
Lise er hos meg. – Lisa is at my place.
Lise er hos deg. – Lisa is at your place.
Lise er hos ham eller han. – Lisa is at his place.
Lise er hos henne. – Lisa is at her place.
Flertall – plural
Lise er hos oss. – Lisa is at our place.
Lise er hos dere. – Lisa is at your place.
Lise er hos dem. – Lisa is at their place.
Great, I think this topic is clear to us. If it is not completely clear, listen again, repeat and practice. Meanwhile, I will lie down on this soft hotel bed and relax. Ahh… It’s so good to have a rest. What is this noise? Who is yelling? Jan?
- - Ema! Emmmmaa! Kofferten er ikke min! – This is not my suitcase!?
- - I’m going to his room. Jan, hva skjer? What is going on? Why are you yelling?
- - Ema, se her! Denne kofferten er ikke min! – Ema, look! This suitcase is not mine!
Oh, boy, the porter has probably mixed up the suitcases. My suitcase full of smoked salmon and Norwegian brunost cheese has gone God only knows where…
Faen! Faen! – Damn! Damn!
Jan, calm down, they will find your suitcase soon. I think we better teach our students eiendomspronomen – possessive pronouns.
Eiendomspronomen are used to say what belongs to who, what has something. For example, my suitcase, our home and so on. In order to say who the thing belongs to, we usually first say the noun in its definite form – bestemt, and then the necessary pronoun.
For example:
- Jeg har et hus.
- I have a house.
- Huset er mitt.
- The house is mine.
Mitt is an eiendomspronomen.
We choose the possessive pronoun according to the gender of the noun and whether it is singular or plural.
If a noun that belongs to someone is singular masculine – entall hankjønn, – we say:
Min – my, broren min – my brother
Din – your, broren din – your brother
Sin – own, broren sin – own brother
Vår – our, broren vår – our brother
If a noun that belongs to someone is singular feminine – entall hunkjønn, – we say:
Mi – my, mine, boka mi – my book
Di – your, boka di – your book
Si – own, boka si – own book
Vår –our, boka vår – our book
If a noun that belongs to someone is singular neuter – entall intetkjønn, – we use the following pronouns:
Mitt – my, barnet mitt – my child
Ditt – your, barnet ditt – your child
Sitt – own, barnet sitt – own child
Vårt – our, barnet vårt – our child
In plural – flertall – regardless of the gender of the noun we say:
Mine – my
brødrene mine – my brothers
Bøkene mine – my books
Barna mine – my children
As we see, regardless of the gender of the noun, in plural we always say “mine”.
Dine – your, brødrene dine– your brothers
Sine – own, brødrene sine – own brothers
Våre – our, brødrene våre – our brothers
Attention! The following pronouns do not agree in number and gender with the nouns:hans – his, hennes – her, deres – your, their
It is also possible to say the pronoun first and then the noun in the indefinite form. In this case, there is more emphasis on the pronoun. For example:
min bror – my brother
dine bøker – your books
ditt eple – your apple
I guess your head is spinning from so many eiendomspronomen. Let’s concentrate. Just look what gender the noun is and whether it is singular or plural. That’s it! To arrange it all in our heads, let’s do an exercise. As usual, we will say the correct answer after a pause.
Jeg har et eple. Eplet er ______.
Eplet er mitt.
Du har en bror. Broren er ______.
Broren er din.
Lise har ei bok. Boka er ______.
Boka er hennes. Kjempebra! Dere er flinke!
Han har en katt. Katten er ______.
Katten er hans.
Vi har kusiner. Kusinene er ______.
Kusinene er våre.
De har bukser. Buksene er ______.
Buksene er deres.
Great! Now let’s translate the sentences:
Dette er min beste venn.- This is my best friend.
Dette er boka mi. - This is my book.
Hvem spiser eplet mitt? - Who is eating my apple?
Hvor er skoene mine? - Where are my shoes?
Vi maler huset vårt. - We are painting our house.
Liker du hagen vår? - Do you like our garden?
Hvor er jakka mi? - Where is my jacket?
Ferdig! Done! We have finished the task!
- - Herregud! Herregud! – Dear God, dear God!
Jan is yelling again. Let’s listen to what’s going on.
- - Nei nei! Denne kofferten er ikke min! Herregud! – No no! This suitcase is not mine! Dear God!
- - Vi beklager. Hvordan ser den ut? – We are sorry. What does it look like?
- - Den er stor og gul. – It is big and yellow.
Det er et stort klistremerke på kofferten min. – There is a large sticker on my suitcase.- et klistremerke
- a sticker
- - Javel. Sier du at det er et stort klistremerke på kofferten din? – Right. You are saying that there is a large sticker on your suitcase? What does the sticker look like?
- - Det er stort. Klistremerket er med norsk flagg – rødt, hvit og blått. – It is big. The sticker is with the Norwegian flag – red, white and blue.
- et flagg
- a flag
- - Vi beklager. Du bør ta det med ro, vi skal nok finne kofferten din! – We are sorry. Please calm down, we will find your suitcase!
My poor companion… They cannot find the suitcase. I’m going to look for Lisa. I think only Lisa can cheer up an annoyed Jan. Goodbye students, see you in the nineteenth lesson! Vi høres!