Seventeenth lesson
Body parts and health

NorwegianABC.com is saying hello for the seventeenth time. We hope our Norwegian lessons have already become a fun and useful daily pursuit. Today we will learn the parts of the body so that we could say what hurts. Let’s start our lesson!
Lesson video
# | Word | Translation | |
1 | ei hånd | a hand | |
2 | en lege | a doctor | |
3 | sant | right, true | |
4 | arm | arm | |
5 | utrolig | unbelievably | |
6 | glad | happy | |
7 | fornøyd | happy, satisfied, pleased | |
8 | slutte | to finish, to give up, to stop doing something | |
9 | sliten | tired | |
10 | slappe av | to relax | |
11 | glemme | to forget | |
12 | flink | clever, smart | |
13 | et bryst | chest | |
14 | en ambulanse | ambulance (vehicle) | |
15 | en sykebil | ambulance (vehicle) | |
16 | jeg er kvalm | I feel sick. | |
17 | et sykehus | hospital | |
18 | å dra til sykehuset | go to the hospital | |
19 | en kropp | a body | |
20 | ei en tann | a tooth | |
21 | tenner | teeth | |
22 | hender | hands | |
23 | en fot | a foot | |
24 | føtter | foots | |
25 | et bein | a leg (from the hip to the foot) | |
26 | et ben | a leg (from the hip to the foot) | |
27 | en legg | a leg (calf) | |
28 | ei en tå | a toe | |
29 | tær | toes | |
30 | en finger | a finger | |
31 | fingrer | fingers | |
32 | et øye | an eye | |
33 | en skulder | a shoulder | |
34 | skuldrer | shoulders | |
35 | et kne | a knee | |
36 | knær | knees | |
37 | en muskel | a muscle | |
38 | muskler | muscles | |
39 | en mage | a stomach | |
40 | på sykehuset | in a hospital | |
41 | en blodundersøkelse | a blood test | |
42 | om lag | around, approximately | |
43 | falskt | false | |
44 | ei en hodepine | headache |
- - God dag, hello, students!
- - Hei hei!
NorwegianABC.com is saying hello for the seventeenth time. We hope our Norwegian lessons have already become a fun and useful daily pursuit. I am sure our great students are learning Norwegian when jogging, travelling and driving. Where are you learning? Of course, you are model students and learn a lot of new words on your own. Am I right? Are you saying you do not have a lot of time? The more often you listen to our lessons and the more new words you learn, the better your results will be.
Let’s start our lesson! By the way, after a delayed flight in Moscow due to bad weather, Ema and I have finally landed in the hot Egypt.
All hot and sweaty Jan is sitting on his huge suitcase. He cannot catch a taxi. Jan, are you ready for our seventeenth lesson? Shall we start with a listening exercise?
- - Uff... Ema, det er så utrolig varmt! – It is unbelievably hot.
- utrolig
- unbelievably
Men ok, vi kan begynne. En lytteøvelse, lytt og gjenta. – But ok, we can begin.
Listening exercise. Listen and repeat.
Konsonant + l Consonant + l. Attention, in this listening exercise we will hear that when pronouncing one sound, the tongue is pressed against the palate a little higher. Let’s try together:
- glad
- happy
Do you feel the difference? Let’s press the tongue against the palate a little higher. Repeat with us:
Glad og fornøyd.
- fornøyd
- happy, satisfied, pleased
- slutte
- to finish, to give up, to stop doing something
Hvordan kan jeg slutte å røyke? – How can I give up smoking?
- sliten
- tired
Jeg er sliten og deprimert. – I am tired and depressed.
- slappe av
- to relax
Nå kan jeg slappe av. – Now I can relax.
- glemme
- to forget
Vi må ikke glemme å lære nye ord på norsk. – We must not forget to learn new words in Norwegian.
- flink
- clever, smart
Du er så flink! – You are so smart!
- - Skal vi gjenta en gang til? – Shall we repeat again?
- - Ja? OK, da begynner vi: Glad, slutte, sliten, slappe av, glemme, flink.
- - Greit! Dere er veldig flinke! Skal vi gjøre en lytteøvelse til?
Ema said that you are smart. Shall we do another listening exercise? Alright? What vowel do we hear: long – lang vokal or short – kort vokal? Listen to me, repeat and say aloud whether the vowel is long or short.
- - Studenter, hva hører dere? Lang eller kort vokal?
- Syn
- Lang vokal
- Synd
- Kort vokal
- Lite
- Lang vokal
- Lytte
- Kort vokal
- Hyle
- Lang vokal
- Hylle
- Kort vokal
- Nyt
- Lang vokal
- Nytt
- Kort vokal
- Kyse
- Lang vokal
- Kysse
- Kort vokal
- Byge
- Lang vokal
- Bygge
- Kort vokal
- - Ufff.... Ema, det er utrolig varmt! Jeg skal ta av meg genseren. – It is very hot. I will take off the sweater.
- - Its high time! The sun is shining, how fun! I cannot wait to lie down by the sea.
- - But first we must go to the hotel and meet Lisa. Where are all the taxis? Uff, it is really hot here…
Ema, jeg føler meg dårlig. – I’m feeling bad.
Jeg føler meg veldig dårlig. – I’m feeling very bad. - What’s wrong, Jan?
- Jeg har vondt i brystet. – My chest aches (I have a pain in the chest).
- et bryst
- chest
- Å ha det vondt
- to feel pain, to have a pain
With the verb å ha vondt we use the preposition i – å ha vondt i – and then say the part of the body, for instance, like I just said: jeg har vondt i brystet.
- - Pain in the chest is alarming. We must call the ambulance! Vi må ringe ambulansen!
- en ambulanse
- ambulance (vehicle)
- en sykebil
- ambulance (vehicle)
- - Ema, Ema... jeg er kvalm. – I feel sick.
Jan sier at han er kvalm. I will go and call the ambulance.
There, it is on the way. Jan, Jan, can you hear me? Hører du meg? Ambulansen kommer snart – The ambulance is on its way.
There, I can hear the siren, hold on, Jan. Poor thing, he has probably overheated… Or maybe it is a heart attack?
The ambulance doctor is already examining Jan, it seems that we will be going to the hospital for more tests.
- en lege
- doctor
- et sykehus
- hospital
- å dra til sykehuset
- go to the hospital
While we are on the way to the hospital, let’s learn the parts of the body so that we could say what hurts. Pay attention, the plural of most of these nouns should be memorized:
- A body
- en kropp
- A tooth
- ei en tann
- Teeth
- tenner
- An arm (from the hand to the shoulder)
- en arm
- A hand
- ei en hånd
- Hands
- hender
- A foot
- en fot
- Foots
- føtter
- A leg (from the hip to the foot)
- et bein
- A leg (from the hip to the foot)
- et ben
- A leg (calf)
- en legg
- A toe
- ei en tå
- Toes
- tær
- A finger
- en finger
- Fingers
- fingrer
- An eye
- et øye
- Eyes
- øyne
- A shoulder
- en skulder
- Shoulders
- skuldrer
- A knee
- et kne
- Knees
- knær
- A muscle
- en muskel
- Muscles
- muskler
- A stomach
- en mage
Let’s do an exercise and say where or what hurts. Let’s use the definite plural bestemt flertall form of a noun in a sentence, for example:
An arm
Jan har vondt i ______.
Jan har vondt i armene.
Do you understand? Ok, next sentence?
A muscle
Han har vondt i ______.
Jan har vondt i musklene.
A shoulder
Han har vondt i ______.
Jan har vondt i skuldrene.
A finger
Han har vondt i ______.
Jan har vondt i fingrene.
A tooth
Han har vondt i ______.
Jan har vondt i tennene.
We are already in the hospital. – Vi er på sykehuset. I feel quite well, probably its nothing serious.
Attention, students. In the last lesson we learnt preposisjoner. I have mentioned that in time you will have to learn their use by heart. Let’s memorize this one – på sykehuset – in a hospital.
I had a blood test done – en blodundersøkelse.
Let’s listen to the dialogue between the consulting doctor and Jan:
- - Hva heter du? - What is your name?
- - Jeg heter Jan. – My name is Jan.
- - Når er du født? – When where you born.
- - Den 15. januar, 1977. – 15 January 1977.
- - Hva er i veien? / Hva er i veien? – What happened? /or/ What’s wrong?
- - Jeg har vondt i brystet./Jeg har vondt i brystet. – I have a pain in the chest.
Og jeg er kvalm. – And I feel sick. - - Jeg skal måle blodtrykket. Nå må du slappe av. – I will check your blood pressure. Please relax.
- - Ok, jeg skal prøve.
- - Har du feber? – Do you have a fever?
Skal vi se... Ja... Javel... – Let’s see… Right… Well…
Nei, du har ikke feber. Det er bra. - No, you don’t have a fever.
Blodtrykket er normalt, det er mindre enn 140 / 90. – Blood pressure is normal, below 140/90.
Javel... Skal vi se... Hvor mye veier du? - Well... Let’s see... How much do you weigh? - - Jeg veier nesten 100 kilo. – I weigh nearly 100 kg.
- - Hva er din høyde, Jan? – What is your height, Jan?
- - Jeg er nesten 180 cm høy. – My height is nearly 180 cm.
- - Javel.. Drikker du mye vann? – Right... Do you drink a lot of water?
- - Ja... nei... nei. – Yes… no… no.
- - Dette bør du gjøre hver dag. – You should do it every day.
Hver dag trenger vi om lag 2–3 liter vann gjennom mat og drikke. – You must have around 2–3 litres of water with food and drink every day.
Jan, du må slappe av og drikke mye vann i Egypt. – Jan, in Egypt you should rest and drink plenty of water. Du er frisk, du, Jan. – Jan, you are well. Ha det bra, Jan, god bedring! - Goodbye, Jan, and get better!
Let’s remember that the Norwegians do not address people in plural – DE, unless they are speaking to the king or other highly honoured people.
- om lag
- around, approximately
Good to know that I am well. I am glad and suggest we do an exercise, which will help us to learn the new words and phrases used in the dialogue easier. Are you ready? Great. I will say a statement and you will say whether it is true – sant or false – falskt. If it is false, say the true variant. I will help you check yourself.
Sant eller falskt. Let’s start.
Jan er ikke kvalm.
Falskt. Jan er kvalm.
Lege skal ikke måle blodtrykket.
Falskt. Lege skal måle blodtrykket.
Jan veier nesten 100 kilo.
Sant. Greit, flinke studenter!
Jan er nesten 170 cm høy.
Falskt. Jan er nesten 180 cm høy.
Jan drikker mye vann.
Falskt. Jan drikker ikke mye vann.
Hver dag trenger vi om lag 2–3 liter vann gjennom mat og drikke.
Jan er syk.
Falskt. Jan er ikke syk.
Let’s draw a breath and take a break “Fakta om Norge”. I promised you to tell about national and generally favoured drinks of Norwegians. What do you think they drink most? What are you saying? Beer? Nooo. According to statistics, it is milk. Each Norwegian drinks around 150 l of milk per year. The breakfast table of each family, lunch of children at school cannot be imagined without milk. The housewives even add milk to meat stews. The Norwegians are convinced that the milk in Norway is the most delicious in the world, because only in Norway the cows graze in emerald pastures, drink mountain water, and breathe fresh air.
Speaking of alcoholic beverages, in harsh climate, it is unlikely that the Norwegians would make and like wine a lot. Beer is a different matter. Every large farm used to make beer before holidays. Today, there are only around 18 beer breweries in the country. You will generally not find stronger than 4.7 percent beer in Norway. Just like other stronger alcoholic drinks, it is sold in state stores Vinmonopolet.
After the break, let’s continue with another grammar topic. When should we use HA (to have) and when – VÆRE? For example, why do we say "jeg har vondt i brystet" and not "jeg er vondt i brystet"?
Let’s remember:
Være + a place, for example: jeg er ute – I am outdoors/out. Jeg er hjemme – I am at home, etc.
Være + adjective, for example: jeg er sulten – I am hungry. Lise er vakker – Liza is beautiful.
Være + age, for example: jeg er 30 år. Or – jeg er 30 år gammel.
Meanwhile, we will use ha in the following cases:
Ha + noun, for example, jeg har hodepine.
- ei en hodepine
- headache
- Jeg har hodepine.
- I have a headache.
Ha + vondt, for example, jeg har vondt i brystet.
Let’s do an exercise and insert ha or være in the empty spaces in a sentence. After a pause, as always we will help you check whether your answer is correct:
Tobias ______ fem år gammel.
Tobias er fem år gammel. – Tobias is five years old.
I dag ______ han hjemme.
I dag er han hjemme. – Today he is at home.
Tobias ______ forkjølet.
Tobias er forkjølet. – Tobias has a cold.
Han ______ veldig varm.
Han er veldig varm. – He is very warm.
Tobias ______ feber.
Tobias har feber. – Tobias has a fever.
Han ______ ikke sulten.
Har er ikke sulten. – He is not hungry.
Tobias ______ vondt i hodet.
Tobias har vondt i hodet. – Tobias has a headache.
Tobias ______ syk.
Tobias er syk. – Tobias is sick.
- - Men Jan er ikke syk! Jan er frisk! Jeg vil bade og ligge på stranda, jeg! – I am not sick! I am well! I want to swim and lie on the beach.
- - Bye bye, dear students. We are continuing our trip and I feel that our adventures in Egypt have only started. See you in lesson eighteen! Vi høres!
- - På gjensyn!